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Popular Italian singer Albano Carrisi, better known by his stage name Al Bano, said he was invited to perform at a concert in Moscow’s Red Square between late August and early September to celebrate the end of the war in Ukraine.

Al Bano, one of the most well-known Italian singers in Russia, who has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin several times, told Italy’s state radio Radio Rai 1 that his representative in Moscow contacted him a few days ago and informed him that a major concert was being planned to mark the end of the war, now approaching its third year.

"A few days ago, I received an SMS from the Russian representative," Al Bano said. "It was the same manager who introduced me to Putin and his entire team. He told me: 'Al Bano, be ready, because between late August and early September, we will hold the famous peace concert in Red Square. And it will happen. I am sure it will happen.'"

When asked if he was ready to perform, he responded, "As always."

Al Bano did not reveal the name of the manager, and The Guardian could not independently verify the report.

Europe Asia News


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