Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Alptekin Şahintürk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Natural Gas Energy Mechanical Engineering Industrialists and Business People Association (DEMSİAD), made statements following the fire in Bolu Kartalkaya.

Şahintürk emphasized that the tragic fire in Bolu reminds us that human life and safety must always be a priority that cannot be neglected, stating: "We pray for mercy for our citizens who lost their lives in this tragic incident and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. Fire safety and fire systems are vital elements to ensure the safety of lives and property."

DEMSİAD Chairman Şahintürk underlined that advanced fire systems are not only a legal obligation but also a part of the duty to protect human life, and added:

"Fire prevention and response systems not only prevent potential fires but also provide the necessary infrastructure for rapid evacuation and effective intervention during a fire. We would like to remind the public and the sector of several key points:

Why are fire systems necessary?

Early Warning System: Fire detection devices detect smoke or heat, alerting the fire at its initial stage and reducing response time.

Automatic Suppression Systems: Sprinklers or other suppression systems can control the fire before it spreads.

Ease of Evacuation: Emergency lighting and guidance systems integrated with fire systems ensure safe evacuation during panic.

Fire Brigade Access: Fire systems support the fire brigade's rapid and effective intervention."

Explaining what should be done regarding fire incidents, Şahintürk stated:

"Fire Safety Inspections: Regular fire safety inspections in all hotels, facilities, and public use areas must be made mandatory. These inspections should be conducted by independent organizations, and their results should be publicly accessible.

Modernized Fire Systems: Existing facilities' fire systems should be renewed and brought in line with international standards.

Awareness and Training: Business owners and employees should be regularly trained on fire safety, and drills should be conducted.

Legal Regulations: Deterrent sanctions should be applied to businesses that neglect fire systems or fail to comply with standards.

Continuous Operability of Fire Alarm Systems: Fire alarms should be regularly checked and maintained to be operational under all conditions."

Chairman Şahintürk emphasized the importance of fulfilling both individual and societal responsibilities to prevent such disasters, stating: "Fire safety is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility. We hereby invite all businesses, relevant institutions, and individuals to give utmost importance to fire safety measures. Our ministries and organizations should persistently work towards stricter inspections and regulations on this matter," he concluded.

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