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At the beginning of his speech, Lavrov stated that Russia operates within a "multipolar world."

The Foreign Minister emphasized that Russian diplomacy is fulfilling the tasks set by President Putin, saying: "I will tell you something that is a key issue for us at this stage of international development – we are moving towards a multipolar world. This is a historical process linked to the objective trend of the emergence of new centers of power on the world map.

"Our partners in the Global South and the East are unique civilizations and religions and are members of various integration unions, but they are all united by their desire for progressive development without external pressure," he said.

Lavrov described Russia as the "leader of progressive humanity" rebelling against the West's dominance in global politics: "At the same time, we must note that although the collective West verbally accepts multipolar realities, in reality, they still seek to maintain their former dominance.

"The collective West cannot unite and cannot abandon the selfish habits it has developed over the past five centuries of ruling the world."

Lavrov also mentioned Russia's alliances with Belarus, North Korea, China, Iran, and African countries.

He stressed that "comprehensive partnership with China" has reached "an unprecedented level, surpassing all classical types of alliances," and highlighted the importance of both countries' leaders attending each other's significant anniversaries.

The minister also praised Russia’s relations with India.

He also spoke about Russia’s plans to introduce a new initiative to replace the "failed Euro-Atlantic model" and be open to all alliances on the continent, including the European part of "Greater Eurasia."

Europe Asia News


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