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The WSJ report states, "The group's military wing has appointed new commanders, and Arab officials in contact with Hamas have begun preparing plans for the deployment of fighters in case of renewed conflict."

According to the WSJ, Hamas has started rebuilding its underground tunnel network, which was damaged by Israeli strikes, training new fighters, and assembling explosive devices from unexploded ordnance. The head of its military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam, met with his subordinates earlier this month to outline possible ways to resume Israeli operations.

The report indicates that Hamas has acknowledged that if the region is rebuilt with foreign funds, it may have to relinquish direct control over Gaza. However, according to intelligence officials from an Arab country and a Hamas member, hardliners within the group seek to maintain influence in the area.

WSJ sources claim that internal disputes within Hamas have become so severe that the group's leadership in Doha is considering severing ties with its members in Gaza.

At the same time, the WSJ reports that the Israeli army is aware that Hamas is regrouping and has recruited thousands of new fighters. However, the IDF believes previous military actions have significantly weakened the group.

Israel and the U.S. are pressuring Hamas to extend the current ceasefire and release the remaining hostages before engaging in difficult negotiations to permanently end the conflict.

So far, Hamas has shown no indication of complying with Israel's demands, increasing the likelihood of renewed conflict.

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas took effect on January 19. The agreement consists of three phases. In the first phase, Hamas was supposed to release 33 Israeli hostages in exchange for 1,500 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, but so far, only three have been released.

The details of the second and third phases have yet to be specified, but they will continue the prisoner exchange. The third phase also includes the reconstruction of Gaza's infrastructure, which was destroyed during the armed conflict.

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