Misconceptions About Menopause
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital, explains misconceptions about menopause.
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran, an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital, points out that it is a misconception to think that the age of menopause onset can be delayed. She stated, "Hormone therapy can be initiated to alleviate complaints related to menopause and artificial menstrual cycles can be created by thickening the uterine lining with medication when menstrual bleeding ceases. However, taking medication does not necessarily mean that menopause is delayed," she said.
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran also mentioned that the idea that every woman enters menopause at a similar age to her mother and experiences similar symptoms is another common misconception in society.
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran explained that the condition determining the onset of menopause in women is the depletion of eggs in the ovaries and their inability to function as a result. "However, menopause also occurs when both ovaries are removed due to surgery. Therefore, a woman does not enter menopause just because the uterus is removed, and she cannot become pregnant again," she emphasized, highlighting that the idea that menopause begins when the uterus is removed is incorrect.
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran emphasized that approximately 70% of women experience complaints such as vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, lack of desire, burning during urination, and frequent infections during menopause. However, she pointed out that such complaints can be alleviated through treatments and said, "The underlying cause of complaints in women during menopause is the decrease in estrogen hormone and the resulting impairment of elasticity, lubrication, and flora in the vaginal area. Initially, vaginal lubricants and moisturizing creams can be applied, while the topical or systemic administration of estrogen hormones in suitable patients largely improves the problems."
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran stressed that the idea that weight gain is inevitable during menopause is incorrect. "However, weight gain is not due to hormonal changes but is an effect of aging," she said, adding, "As age progresses, the metabolism slows down slightly, so consuming about 250 calories less energy per day will balance this process. Of course, as always, weight balance during menopause can be achieved with a diet rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, containing protein and calcium, and low in fat, as well as regular exercise."
Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran pointed out that many women have to endure the problems caused by menopause due to the fear of breast cancer leading to questioning hormone therapy. However, she emphasized the importance of consulting a doctor for complaints that affect the quality of life and said, "In suitable cases, the administration of hormone therapies in appropriate doses and durations alleviates complaints, and the number of cancer cases is not as high as commonly believed." She added that certain herbal treatments that are applied without consulting a doctor and whose effectiveness and reliability have not been proven should also be avoided, as they can cause damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart.
Especially during the so-called 'perimenopausal period,' which begins a year after menstruation stops, pregnancies can occur, albeit with a low probability, Dr. Şafak Yılmaz Baran emphasized, and continued: "During this phase, it is important to continue to use protection during sexual intercourse." She pointed out that sexual life will not end despite menopause.
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